Quick Update

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sorry I haven't been able to blog in a couple of weeks, but this month
has been an experience unlike any I expected.

I don't have too much time right now, but hopefully I will be able to
blog a much more detailed update of how I am doing in a few days. But,
in summary, due to many details which I will explain, I have
transferred agencies and am now working with SOVHEN in Masaka, right
next to Lake Victoria.

I will be teaching in a primary and secondary school for the next
month and we finalized the program today. I am very excited about it!

It was sad to leave Mityana, but once I explain things it will make
more sense. My heart will always be there and I left some beautiful
people behind, but the transiton was one of those necessaey evils in

Until then, I am doing well and am safe. I have to say I am missing my
wonderful friends and family, but this experience will be one that was
worth it.

Expect more details soon <3


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