Here it goes.

Monday, May 6, 2013


There are thoughts upon thoughts running through my head, yet they have not presented themselves to be concrete enough to understand.

Years ago, I would never have imagined that in a few short hours I would be flying to Uganda. I would have never fathomed this moment. This thought. This reality.

At the beginning of high school, I first watched the documentary Invisible Children [] while I was participating in the 30 Hour Famine at my church. I had never heard of Uganda before, had no idea what child soldiers were, and had no idea how this knowledge had any relevance to my life. In the next few years, I grew more and more curious about this country, and became very involved in the Invisible Children movement. From hosting screenings at my high school, going to rallies, volunteering for the organization, and getting a paper plate award in yearbook for Most Likely to Live in Uganda (I swear it really happened)--this organization and country became a part of my identity.

When I went to college, I tried to get involved in the Invisible Children group on campus, but of course over-committed myself and things didn't quite work out. But, this identity still resonated with me. Every time I thought of how I got involved in service, where I first started to think about things outside of myself, where I began to grow a passion for the world and a passion for people, and all around when I understood what this world has to offer and the ability we have to change it, I always think of Invisible Children.

Granted, Invisible Children only captures a very very small part of what Uganda offers and the vast experiences of the Ugandan people. But, I think my story shows the beauty and experience the world presents you when you have passion and you use it. Your passion can take you to the ends of the earth when it becomes a part of you. From seeing a documentary in high school about Uganda, to embarking on a two month journey of living in the country, my passion is exactly what got me here.

With that, I have no idea where this trip is going to take me. I could be building it up and not grow in the ways I expect. Or, I could experience something far beyond my imagination.

There are a lot of unknowns before I leave, and I'm absolutely okay with that. Because the unknown is exactly what got me here. As long as I have passion in my heart, adventure in my step, and curiosity in my mind, I know I will end up where I am supposed to be and live the experience I am meant to live. I must continue to wander passionately.

μή μου ἅπτου. 


Another theme that has presented itself in my life, in way too many ways, is the idea of not letting anything hold me back from my dreams and where I want the world to take me. Whether that means people, thoughts, actions, standards, what have you, it is a value of mine to engage with the world and with others without any reservations.

A few weeks ago, I was introduced to the Greek phrase "μή μου ἅπτου" or roughly translated "cease holding on to me." This phrase comes from the verse John 20:17 when Jesus is telling Mary to let him go as he has not ascended into the heavens to be with God yet. There are many interpretations to this phrase and to this verse, but my personal understanding has developed from this notion of not holding back. We are all confined and restricted by so many things, that we often miss the opportunity for something great if we don't let ourselves ascend.

On this trip, I hope to keep this idea with me continuously. I have been given an opportunity far beyond anything I ever could have imagined. Whether it is in my actions, interactions, thoughts, ideas, and any other thing that many be presented to me, I hope to embrace this understanding and not be held, hindered, or detained, as I have some purpose to fulfill.


Finally, although I am going to be over twenty hours away and eight hours ahead of time, I would not have gotten to this moment without the support and experience provided by the beautiful people I am lucky to have in my life. From the life lessons given by late night talks with friends, to the continuous support given by my family every time I develop a new crazy dream, I cannot express enough thanks and gratitude to what others have done to get me here. Amongst the skepticism and hesitation of this trip, I have never felt more supported. I am bringing you all with me and bringing all of my experiences with me, as they are a part of me. So wherever I am, whether that is in Uganda or wherever my next adventure might bring me, there are so many other things and people with me as well.

With that, I am about to embark on an adventure I have always wanted to go on. Let's see where it ends of taking me!


Unknown said...

What a wonderful conciesness you have for your fellow man! You have a spirit that is daughting in the pursuit of everything that is good. Tha more you continue to open up your heart the bigger it will continue to grow. Like a wildflower skirting through an open field you are laying the foundation of what will soon become a beautiful meadow. I am so honored to call you my friend as well as having the distinct pleasure of calling you my daughter.
I Love Who You Are!
Love Dad.

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